Indirect Object Pronouns
What are indirect object pronouns? Need help understanding what indirect object pronouns are and aren’t? Check out our page and find examples of indirect object pronouns and learn how to weave indirect object pronouns into your own writing.
Pronouns are words used in place of nouns or other pronouns. The objective form of pronouns includes words such as me, you, her, him, it, us, and them. Pronouns like these often serve as indirect object pronouns in a sentence, indicating to whom or to what (or for whom or for what) an action was done.
Indirect Object Pronoun Examples:
(To whom did Hannah lend money? Hannah lent me money. Me is the indirect object in the sentence.)
(To whom did the saleswoman bring another blouse? The saleswoman brought her another blouse. Her is the indirect object in the sentence.)
(To whom did our teacher read a short story? Our teacher read us a short story. Us is the indirect object in the sentence.)
(To whom did Charmaine give yogurt? Charmaine gave them yogurt. Them is the indirect object in the sentence.)
(To what did I give a chance? I gave it a chance. It is the indirect object in the sentence.)
(To whom did Nadia offer a ride to school? She offered me a ride to school. Me is the indirect object in the sentence.)
(For whom did Roberto buy a birthday present? He bought him a birthday present. Him is the indirect object in the sentence.)
(To whom did your sister send a letter? Your sister sent you a letter. You is the indirect object in the sentence.)
(To whom did Dad give the keys to the car? Dad gave him the keys to the car. Him is the indirect object in the sentence.)
(To whom did Grandpa teach new card tricks? Grandpa taught them new card tricks. Them is the indirect object in the sentence.)
(To whom did Charles sing a song? Charles sang her a song. Her is the indirect object in the sentence.)
(For whom did the cashier write a receipt? The cashier wrote me a receipt. Me is the indirect object in the sentence.)
Pronouns serve an important role as indirect objects in sentences, indicating to whom or to what (or for whom or for what) an action was done.
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