A spelling patterns worksheet about comparative adjectives that end in Y. Great for spelling skill development.
Spelling Pattern Worksheets
While it sometimes seems there is no rhyme or reason to some spellings, there are some pretty simple rules to follow for most words. The spelling worksheets below are to help your student through some of the more difficult spelling patterns. Click on the title of the worksheet to view the PDF and read more about it. You may use these in your classroom or at home for free.
Past Tense Verbs: Words Ending in Y
A spelling patterns worksheet about past tense verbs that end in Y. Great for spelling skill development.
Plurals: Nouns and Verbs Ending in Y
A spelling patterns worksheet about nouns and verbs that end in Y. Great for spelling skill development.
Superlative Adjectives: Words That End in Y
A spelling patterns worksheet about superlative adjectives that end in Y. Great for spelling skill development.
Using -ing: Verbs that End in -ie
A spelling patterns worksheet about using -ing with verbs that end in -ie. Great for spelling skill development.