Students read an excerpt from Romeo and Juliet and answer related questions.
Shakespeare Reading Worksheets
William Shakespeare (1564 - 1616) is often considered the greatest author in the English language world. As author of such masterpieces as “Hamlet,” “Romeo and Juliet,” and “Macbeth,” he presented themes that resonate today. Any speaker of the English language owes him a debt for coining eloquent phrases that are commonly used today, such as “laughing stock” and “green-eyed monster.” The worksheets on the works of “the Bard” are listed below. Use them at home or in the classroom for free. View or download each one by clicking on the title.
Shakespeare: Understanding the Sonnet
William Shakespeare is known for his plays, but he also wrote over 150 sonnets. In this activity, students read one of his sonnets and write the rhyme scheme.
Shakespeare’s Famous Sayings and Phrases
Bring some fun into the classroom with this activity that asks students to guess the meaning of Shakespeare’s famous sayings and phrases.
Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet: Understanding the Prologue
Students will learn about prologues in this activity and will enhance their skills by answering questions about the “Romeo and Juliet” excerpt.
Shakespeare’s Henry V: Once More Unto the Breach
In this activity, your students will read an excerpt from “Shakespeare’s Henry V” and answer questions related to the topic.
Shakespeare’s Macbeth Reading Comprehension
Help your students improve their reading comprehension with this “Shakespeare’s Macbeth” activity.
Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice: Portia’s Speech
Encourage your students in their reading comprehension skills with this “Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice” printable activity.