Free, Printable nonfiction text features posters to use on your class bulletin board or as a handout or as a PowerPoint presentation. Includes 20 posters of the different text feature elements.
2nd Grade CCSS: Reading: Informational Text
For second graders, this Common Core area helps students gain mastery of the deeper tasks involved in reading a non-fiction text. No matter what they are reading, the standards require students to increase the complexity in the texts they read and deepen their understanding of the connections within and between texts. Among the complete standards for this grade, second graders will be asked to: identify the main topic of texts, understand and use various text features like captions, bold print, subheadings, glossaries, indexes, electronic menus, icons, identify the main purpose of a text, explain how specific images, compare and contrast the most important points presented by two texts on the same topic, read grade appropriate informational texts, including history/social studies, science, and technical texts.
3-D: It’s not Just For Movies
Week 26 Reading Comprehension (B-26). A passage about dimensional objects like cubes and pyramids. Cross-Curricular Focus: Mathematics.
African American Inventors: Elijah McCoy
Comprehension is strengthend through practice. Here is a worksheet about Elijah McCoy for students to read and answer the questions.
African American Inventors: George Washington Carver
Born into slavery, it was not until the end of the Civil War in 1865 that George became free. Students will read and answer questions based on George Washington Carver in this worksheet.
Cause & Effect
Week 8 Reading Comprehension (B-8). Reading comprehension passage about cause and effect. Cross-Curricular Focus: Reasoning Skills.
Color Shows Mood
Week 12 Reading Comprehension (B-12). A short passage and questions about how different colors affect us and mix together. Cross-Curricular Focus: Visual Arts.
Community Connections
Week 26 Reading Comprehension (C-26). A passage about our communities and the interactions we have with other people. Cross-Curricular Focus: History / Social Sciences.
Congruent Geometric Shapes
Week 27 Reading Comprehension (B-27). A short passage and related questions about shapes that are congruent. Cross-Curricular Focus: Mathematics.
Extending Patterns
Week 30 Reading Comprehension (B-30). Reading segment and questions about different types and uses of patterns. Cross-Curricular Focus: Mathematics.
First American Woman in Space: Sally Ride
Sally Ride was the first American woman in space. Read about her journey and answer the questions following the article.
Food is Our Fuel
Week 13 Reading Comprehension (B-13). Reading comprehension passage about the energy food provides. Cross-Curricular Focus: Life Science.
Fractions as Parts of a Whole
Week 21 Reading Comprehension (B-21). A passage and questions about fractions. Cross-Curricular Focus: Mathematics.
Galileo and His Telescope
Week 19 Reading Comprehension (C-19). A story about the origins of Galileo’s telescope Cross-Curricular Focus: Physical Science.
Have You Got the Time?
Week 24 Reading Comprehension (B-24). A brief passage and questions about the different divisions of time. Cross-Curricular Focus: Mathematics.
How Things Move
Week 3 Reading Comprehension (B-3). A comprehension passage about motion and measuring changes in position. Cross-Curricular Focus: Physical Science.
Identifying Geometric Solids
Week 28 Reading Comprehension (B-28). Reading comprehension passage about three-dimensional figures like cubes and cones. Cross-Curricular Focus: Mathematics.
Justify Your Answer
Week 31 Reading Comprehension (B-31). A passage about making sure your answers are reasonable. Cross-Curricular Focus: Reasoning Skills
Limited Resources
Week 6 Reading Comprehension (B-6). A passage about earth’s limited natural resources. Cross-Curricular Focus: History / Social Sciences.
Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing
Week 34 Reading Comprehension (B-34). A brief passage about the elements of becoming good at language. Cross-Curricular Focus: Thinking Skills.
Making Connections to Text
Week 33 Reading Comprehension (B-33). Reading comprehension passage about connecting to text in different ways. Cross-Curricular Focus: Thinking Skills.