What Is a Predicate Adjective?
A predicate adjective is a subject complement, a word or group of words that follows a linking verb or verb phrase such as is, am, were, smell, feel, taste, look, sound, have been, and did seem. A predicate adjective helps to describe the subject or subjects in a sentence by giving information about characteristics such as the subjects’ appearances and feelings.
Predicate Adjective Examples:
(What have I been? I have been sleepy. Sleepy is the predicate adjective; it describes I.)
(How does the soup taste? It tastes great. Great is the predicate adjective; it describes soup.)
(How did the kids feel? They felt excited. Excited is the predicate adjective; it describes kids.)
(How did Erin seem? She seemed disappointed. Disappointed is the predicate adjective; it describes Erin.)
(How does the kitchen smell? It smells fantastic. Fantastic is the predicate adjective; it describes kitchen.)
(How did the campfire look? It looked bright and dramatic. Bright and dramatic are the predicate adjectives; they describe campfire.)
(What was Fatima? She was ecstatic. Ecstatic is the predicate adjective; it describes Fatima.)
(How does the sky look? It looks dark and stormy. Dark and stormy are the predicate adjectives; they describe sky.)
(How did the cookies taste? They tasted sweet and rich. Sweet and rich are the predicate adjectives; they describe cookies.)
(How does the song sound? It sounds danceable. Danceable is the predicate adjective; it describes song.)
(How did Sam feel? He felt bad. Bad is the predicate adjective; it describes Sam.)
(How do the plants look? They look pretty. Pretty is the predicate adjective; it describes plants.)
Why is the Predicate Adjective Important?
A predicate adjective provides important details about a subject or subjects, such as by describing how they look, feel, sound, smell, or taste.
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