This printable learning resource comes with 24 classroom activities on consonant blends and digraphs covering 24 unique letter combinations, such as CH and TW. Made easy to print, this set of worksheets is the perfect resource for parents and teachers to use at home or in the classroom.
Consonant Digraphs
Why does ph sound like f? Why does ch in chain sound totally different than either c or h? The answer lies in the pairing of consonants to make a sound that is unrelated to either letter. This pairing is called a consonant digraph. Students must understand these “oddball” pairs in order to fluently decipher the words they see when they read. Our worksheets on consonant digraphs are listed below. To see the worksheet or download a printable PDF, click on the worksheet name. They are free to use at home or in the classroom.
Consonant Blends and Digraphs Chart
Here you will find a Consonant Blends and Digraphs List Printable Chart that is a perfect resource for your students to have. It is easy to print, making it a great learning resource for parents and teachers to use both at home or in the classroom!
Consonant Digraphs: Create CH Words
This printable worksheet asks students to create four words that begin with the consonants CH. Here are some examples: chuckle, cheer, chomp, and chirp. Your students will enjoy getting creative as they come up with four unique words! This resource has been made easy to print, making it great for use both at home and in the classroom.
Consonant Digraphs: Create PH Words
This printable worksheet asks students to create four words that begin with the consonants PH. Here are some examples: phase, phone, photo, and phonics. Your students will enjoy getting creative as they come up with four unique words! This resource has been made easy to print, making it great for use both at home and in the classroom.
Consonant Digraphs: Create SH Words
This printable worksheet asks students to create four words that begin with the consonants SH. Here are some examples: shine, shear, sheep, and shutter. Your students will enjoy getting creative as they come up with four unique words! This resource has been made easy to print, making it great for use both at home and in the classroom.
Consonant Digraphs: Create TH Words
This printable worksheet asks students to create four words that begin with the consonants TH. Here are some examples: thunder, thump, theater, and thanks. Your students will enjoy getting creative as they come up with four unique words! This resource has been made easy to print, making it great for use both at home and in the classroom.
Consonant Digraphs: Create WH Words
This printable worksheet asks students to create four words that begin with the consonants WH. Here are some examples: whimper, where, whether, and whiten. Your students will enjoy getting creative as they come up with four unique words! This resource has been made easy to print, making it great for use both at home and in the classroom.