Reading comprehension is perhaps one of the most critical skills a student can master. Without a firm grasp on the comprehension process, learners will struggle in every subject they encounter, whether it’s science, math, or social studies. Though a multi-faceted process, comprehension basically involves constructing meaning from the written word.
If you’re a looking to support a child in developing his or her reading comprehension, you may find you need a little refresher course in what is involved. This tutorial is designed to deliver everything you need to know to support a child in reading comprehension. Below you’ll also find helpful teaching strategies and weekly reading comprehension passages with printable worksheets.
Understanding Reading Comprehension
1. What is Reading Comprehension?
2. The Importance of Reading Comprehension
3. Reading Comprehension and Higher Order Thinking Skills
4. Content Area Reading and the Importance of Skillful Reading Comprehension
5. Reading Comprehension and Fluency
Improving Reading Comprehension
1. Fostering Reading Comprehension and Retention
2. Teaching Reading Comprehension in Kindergarten
3. Reading Comprehension Tips for Parents – Strategies You Can Use at Home
Reading Comprehension Worksheets
Each of the links below include weekly reading comprehension worksheets to use in class or at home. The worksheets also cover subject material like history and science, in order to reinforce those subject areas.
1. 1st grade reading comprehension worksheets
2. 2nd grade reading comprehension worksheets
3. 3rd grade reading comprehension worksheets
4. 4th grade reading comprehension worksheets
5. 5th grade reading comprehension worksheets
It’s been said that reading comprehension is the one essential tool that guides education. Not only is it a crucial instrument for communication and information gathering, it also opens doors that allow imagination and creativity to flow. As the 21st century unfolds, this type of whole-brain thinking could very well be more important than ever before.
It doesn’t matter if your student is in the infant stages of reading or has progressed through elementary reading, you can help foster your child’s reading comprehension skills with the knowledge, strategies, and tips found on this page.
Other Resources
Check out our spelling words activities!